Monday, November 18, 2013

Well, hey there folks.....

So nothing happened this week.

Love, Hermana Thomas.

GOTCHA. This week was crazy! I think. (Sometimes I start these letters off, and I start saying "oh, wow, this week was so crazy!" and then I get into my letter and I realize that I don't really have anything to say, so I end up talking about playing with kittens...?) (Sometimes that happens.)

First piece of business: We're living in the casa of La Florida again! We moved in last Monday night, and I disinfected LIKE CUH-RAY-ZEE. Crazy. It was also a great opportunity for me to teach the girls I'm living with how to disinfect. They were appalled that I was using hot, soapy water. They said the hot water would only spread the germs...but this is also coming from three girls who have been using disinfectant spray like febreeze in the bathroom...I love them. 

This week has been HOT. HOT. HOT. HOT. HOT. HOT. HOT. WHY DOESN'T THIS FONT GET BIGGER. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT. I thought my skin was melting at one point. I considered the idea of dying slowly in the shade, curled up with the one thousand dogs that I might as well call my companions since they are always following us sounded really nice compared to walking more in the heat. But guess what? Suffering the heat of the sun is just part of the mission. (This might be my most-used phrase here. "Es parte de la misiòn." I think Hermana Pineda wants to kill me every time I say it.) (Just kidding. We love each other.)

A funny moment with the language...we were walking back from an appointment with a family of menos activos. We were talking about how awesome they are, especially the husband, because he is ALWAYS smiling....ALWAYS. Anyway, I said, "Yo quiero abracerle!" ("I just wanna hug him!") But Hermana Pineda heard "yo quiero embarazarme" so you guys can just look that one up for yourselves. 

We visited a menos activo this week whose husband had a heart attack a few days ago. During this visit, she told us that she was not going to share any spiritual experiences with us because it would be like...oh, man, I can't remember the exact wording of this scripture..."throwing pearls at the feet of dogs"? She then went on to relate four very very VERY personal and spiritual moments in her life to us. So....

Anyway, I had a lot of moments this week that really made impressions on me. There are some really stalwart members that impress me so much with their faithfulness. One day, we visited a member whose entire family is baptized, but she's the only one who goes to church. I'd guess she's about 60 years old. The rest of her family wants nothing to do with the church. We decided to teach her a little more about the restoration. About a minute into it, though, her husband stormed into the room, raging about false prophets and the Mormon church of the devil. It was a little nerve-wracking in the moment, but he left peacefully enough, and we were able to finish our lesson without another interruption. The hermana apologized, and then tearfully told us how much she wishes that her family would re-accept the gospel. I can't believe that she can still be so faithful in coming to church, despite the heavy disapproval of her own husband. 

Another hermana has a situation similar...all the members of her family are members, but she's the only one who attends church. She was a reactivation. Her husband drinks really heavily, and expects her to do everything in the house and have a full-time job. He doesn't like when we visit, so we have to be really careful about the time we choose to go to her house. She is one of the sweetest people I've ever known, and she radiates a spirit that is so strong.
Anyway.........GUESS WHAT. CAMBIOS.


Saturday night, our leaders were supposed to call us to tell us if we were being changed. WE HAD TO WAIT UNTIL 10:30 PM. It was absolutely excruciating to wait. We practically knew for sure that Hermana Pineda was going to have a cambio, since she's been here for five months in the same place. I was probably going to stay, and so were the other two.

WELL, LESSON LEARNED. Never assume you know anything, because guess what.....

I'm going to Rancagua!!!!!!!!! I was the only person in the casa with a cambio. What?! We were all shocked. I still don't feel like it's real...? It was just really unexpected. Hermana Pineda is going to be here for another transfer, with "Hermana Perry." (I don't know her, but I'm assuming she's another gringa.)

My area is Cachapoal, and my companion is Hermana Castañeda de Mexico! Wahoo!

Yesterday and today have been a little hard, because I've just cried saying goodbye to all these people I've grown to love so much. The kids of the Bishop here were so cute, they didn't want me to leave! At one point, I had all three of them hugging me! It was so precious. I said goodbye to our family of investigators yesterday, too...oh man. That was hard. They were so cute, they gave me a pair of shoes because they said that they are always looking at our feet and the awful condition of our zapatos! (They gave shoes to Hermana Pineda also.) Their daughter gave me two bracelets and the sweetest note, some hair pins...oh my gosh. I tried to not cry, but I love this family so much. I left them with my testimony, and both the mother and father cried as they thanked us for helping them bring the gospel of Jesus Christ into their homes.

Have I said that being a missionary is THE GREATEST JOB EVER?? 

I am so humbled by the opportunity I have now to go serve in Cachapoal. Obviously I have something to learn there! I'm sad to leave my lovely companion, but I know that the Lord has a plan, and this is part of it! 

So next week, I'll be writing from Rancagua! Crazy!

I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH. SO MUCH. Keep writing me, and keep reading your scriptures and praying.


Looooooooooooooooooooooooooove, Hermana Thomas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet and what experiences. I love hearing from Kenna!
