Wednesday, March 26, 2014


...that is the best I have come up with for the blog.

¡Hola Familia! First of all, I want to thank ALL OF YOU for your amazing letters. I printed them off this morning and they've been a really big strength to me today. I've got all my things packed, and I am going to leave at about 5:30 my time for the airport. This week has been pretty emotional. With almost all my heart, I don't want to leave...but. There is a part of me that knows it's best, and I'm working on helping that part overwhelm the feelings of sadness. It's strange, but I've had almost the same feelings I had when I first had to leave my family to leave for the Mexico MTC. The missionaries here, the people, the members, the random guy selling band aids on the street, they all feel like family to me. It's something I can't describe. 

I got to go to the temple on Thursday! I didn't think I was going to have that opportunity, so I was excited when they called me and told me I could go! It was a really beautiful experience, the spirit was so strong, and...I UNDERSTOOD EVERYTHING THEY SAID. HIGH FIVE ME PLEASE SOMEONE.

The next day I got to the "Final Supper" for the missionaries who are leaving the mission this transfer. Usually this meal only consists of people who have ended their full-time missions, but this time was a little different...because three of us were switching missions. There was me and Hermana Berbert (who is also headed to Tempe, Arizona!) and also Hermana Schmidt, who is headed to Riverside, California. The food was good, then we had a really spirit-filled testimony meeting.

Hermana Kenney is going to train! I'm actually really excited for her! She's going to be awesome. Ugh. I really am going to miss her! She's been such a blessing for me, because she really has become one of my best friends. I know that God put us together because He knew that I'd need a really good friend when I had to go through changing missions.

Oh, man...I'm pretty sure all my bags are going to be BARELY OVER WEIGHT. I'm only allowed to have 23 kg in each bag, and I'm telling you, if they're not over weight, GOD MUST LOVE ME because they will be BARELY AND I MEAN BARELY EXACTLY 23 kg. I'll let you know how that goes.

I love Cachapoal! I have been here for three transfers, and I think I could have been here for three more, honestly. I didn't realize how much I'd miss the members until yesterday after church, saying goodbye to all of them! I was surprised that some of them were sad to see me go, since I didn't feel I'd gotten to know them very well! I re-learned the lesson yesterday that you don't have to know everything about a person to love them so much! Because we are all brothers and sisters. Also, the wards love their missionaries...and vise-verse! 

I'm sorry, but I don't have much time left...I hope this letter didn't seem like a downer! I'm so excited to start this new adventure in Tempe, Arizona! It's been an interesting journey up until this point. I can't wait to see what more God has in store for me to learn and to grow from! 

Please keep reading your scriptures and praying every night! And GO TO CHURCH. Holy cow, go to church. I promise that next week I'll have a more interesting letter. There will be so many new things to tell you! I didn't have my journal with me since it's all packed up...if I forgot anything interesting from this week, I'll stick it in next week!

It's been real, Chile! I'll see you soon!


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