Monday, October 20, 2014

More Christmas happiness Letter from October 13, 2014

HELLO THERE. How are the Christmas celebrations going over there? Because they are thriving here! Well...around me, at least. (My poor companion.) (Just kidding, she's lucky.) (And I mean that in the least vain way possible.) (Okay, is that how you spell "vain"? It just looks wrong.)

This week I got out-whitted. And I was super impressed. And still not over it. There's this most amazing family in our ward, the Flores family, and they are amazing. The dad was just released as Ward Mission Leader in our ward and called as Stake Mission Leader...and pretty much it's a family of missionaries. One of their daughters goes out with us all the time, she's so nice! Anyway, they have a 12-year-old son named Alex. This kid is a crack-up. When we first met him, we asked if he was going to be a missionary, and in response, she kind of cocked his head to the side and said "well...I'm, uhh, actually the deacons quorum president, so..." raising his eyebrows in a 'you-know-what-that-means' way. We were like...way to go, kid. He is proud of his calling. :)

Well, we went over to their house for dinner a few days ago. He came around the corner, and shook the elders' hands first, then came over to us and said, "I don't believe I've met you two yet, either!" So I said, "umm...ouch! We met last week! You don't remember?!" He squinted his eyes, and said, "no way, really??" And I pretended to be offended and hurt, like, "come on, you don't remember us?!" So this kid just shrugs and says, "it's probably because you look even prettier today is all." 

So I respond, "oh, and what are you saying about last time we were here, then, hmm? We weren't pretty then?" And he says, "nope, you were pretty then, too, but you two must be wearing less makeup today." 

BOOM. Touche, kid. Too. Shay. That kid is smooth. I had nothing more to say. Bright future ahead of him, that's all I'm saying. Okay. Back to missionary work.

I have a lesson about peer-pressure this week. Once upon a time, I ate six chilepinos mixed into a fourth a cup of frijoles and my mouth caught on FIRE.


Also, I came up with a great analogy. I don't know why, but when missionaries want to explain that teaching people according to their needs is more important than teaching the lesson word-for-word, they say, "you can't throw up the gospel onto them." (<--at least, that's what everyone always says to me....?) Anyway, so I say that now, too, but the other day I said it to Hermana Mello and I just got caught up in this thought and okay, just listen...

If there is a really good food, but looks different and people have heard weird things about it, but YOU know it's good and you want to share it with your best friend, THE LAST THING YOU SHOULD DO is eat it and then throw it up on them. 

No, no, you should tell them how good it is, testify of it's deliciousness, and invite them to try it themselves! Because if you throw it up on them, great, they have it all over them, they kind of know what it is now from their own personal experience, but they never got the chance to really take it in! And if you try to force it down their throat they will probably throw it back up (and also hate you.) You can only INVITE THEM TO TRY IT! Then it will become a part of them. And they will love it too and invite their friends!

Weirdest analogy ever, never going to use it in a lesson unless directed by the Spirit to do so, but that's what I think about during personal study, and I thought I'd share. Also, I'm sorry for the imagery. 

Cristina got baptized on Saturday! I got to go, and it was amazing! She was glowing afterwards, and her testimony was so simple and beautiful! I was so glad I got to go and be a part of it. I am hoping that Georgette follows through and gets baptized this coming week, because I've already got permission to go to that one, too!

Also, all missionaries in the United States got to see "Meet the Mormons" early, so I saw that this week! YOU ALL NEED TO GO ASAP. IT IS SUCH A GREAT MOVIE! Also, I don't know if you knew this, but all proceeds for the movie are being donated to the Red Cross. Pretty cool!

We also have a baptism coming up this weekend! (We hope.) We have to follow up on the Word of Wisdom, but I might be sending a baptism email next week! Yay! His name is Gerardo, super prepared for the gospel. He's got a great story, I'll tell you next week!

I have also been setting some BIG TIME GOALS this week. Like, I realized on my mission that I don't think I've ever set/achieved a formal goal ever in my life. I have studied goal-setting like absolute crazy, and I'm SO EXCITED to tell you all about it when I am home! That's a long time away, but it is coming! :)

"You are my favorite Yankees fan. That is an honor." --Hermana Mello (redsox. ugh.)

"God speaks fluent Spanglish. He also speaks dream language, like when you're praying in the mornings." --Elder Vorkink

"I don't know why you need to take physics for the MCAT, you're never going to use the particles are moving at this rate, you're gonna need a heart operation." --Hermana Mello

"He just gave me a friendly arm-grab." --Hermana Mello

Despite the funny quotes (are those ever actually funny to you?), Hermana Mello also said something super interesting the other day while we were driving. I don't even remember what we were talking about, but she said "isn't it interesting that we as human beings so readily accept scientific eternity, things unexplored and unproven theories as something real and possible, but we are so incredulous to spiritual eternity, things unproven and believed in?" 

I love that. It's true. We accept that the universe has no end, but our finite minds find it difficult to actually comprehend an endless matter. But we believe it as a true fact nonetheless! But then you consider a spiritual eternity, that there are things unproven but spiritually true, and people so easily doubt. Our minds are so finite! And guess what? We will never prove everything, spiritual or physical! There is so much to be discovered. But isn't it amazing that the gospel still provides answers to all life's questions? It just make sense...the gospel is logical!


Not in a peer-pressure kind of way, though...


Love, Hermana Thomas
Merry Christmas

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