Monday, August 4, 2014

the most schlikin' week ever....?

Hey guys, did you have a schlikin' week? Mine was pretty schlikin'.

Can we just pause for a moment and discuss this: what if "schlikin" was actually a word in your language? Could you really take your language seriously? This was a thoroughly discussed topic in my companionship this week, and we have concluded that the only way to know is if we try it. Thus, "schlikin" was introduced into the English vocabulary.

The interesting thing about "schlikin" is that it derives from the verb "to schlik", but, curiously enough, its root has no real definition. Thus, "schlikin" has a variety of meanings and can be applied to almost anything.

"I feel a little schlikin' today."

"That lesson was schlikin'."

"Our mission president is so schlikin' tall!"

"You look quite schlikin'." 

My invitation to you this week is to find what "schlikin" means to you and apply it in your every day life.

FREE CLOTHES! I got a ton of free clothes this week. It was great. Our stake's Relief Society did a big clothing exchange, they had SO MANY CLOTHES. Our ward mission leader's wife is the stake Relief Society president, so she let us in early to grab what we wanted. Granted, most of the clothes were...not my style...but I SCORED on some skirts and a nice shirt, also some incredible ugly sweaters which will be perfect for my return home (oh yeah, I'm coming home in style.) My companion also managed to find a 'MERICA shirt that rivals my own. It was my turn to break some "thou shalt not covet"s. 

Also we lived through another HABOOB. It wasn't as bad as the first one, but we got tossed around a bit. My face was pretty coated with dust by the time we got to our lesson...then we hid in there until it cooled down. I'm a little disappointed, though. I want another big one to blow in, because last time we were trapped in the CVS and you can't see out the windows! I already know where we will camp out...Donut Co. (Even though that lady thinks I'm special...donuts. Worth it.) 

The dust storm brought in some SPECTACULAR lightning that night, too! I was literally sinking into a super deep sleep when suddenly I'm pulled out of it by Hermana Johnson saying "HERMANA! HERMANA!" So I get up and she tells me to look outside, and "BOOM CRASH AND A LIGHTING FLASH and well that's another story, nevermind, anyway" (<--I don't know if anyone is going to get that reference) but yeah HUGE lightning! It just was crawling all over the sky! So I pulled out my iPad and took a video of it, but by that time it had calmed down a little bit...bummer. But it was so cool!

We also had a few meetings this week. We had interviews with the president, but unfortunately he hasn't gotten to us yet. He was halfway done with our Zone when he had to deal with something else, so I'm still waiting on that! But I am learning patience (patience, iago (<--is that how you spell that? eago?)) (what is up with me quoting things today?!?) (I'm sorry. This email is super scatter-brained.) 

Yesterday we started a workshop in our ward called "Taller Misional: 8 Fundamentos." It's something that we are doing for the ward as missionaries to better train on how to use the fundamentals in your calling! Whatever your calling is, your purpose is the same: "Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end." Are you a bishop? Primary teacher? Relief Society counselor? Visiting teacher? Deacon's quorum president? WE ALL HAVE ONE PURPOSE! Isn't that awesome?

We had some really amazing things happen this week. One family that we found told us that they will pray to know if Joseph Smith is a prophet, and they were super into it, accepted the baptismal invite and everything! We have a lesson with them on Wednesday, pray for us!

We finally got a hold of a part-member family, shared a scripture and ended with a prayer, and as we were leaving, the husband told us that he wants to get baptized! It was amazing! We are working on it right now. He still doesn't have a date, but he was there yesterday at church (even though they all ran out as soon as the first meeting was over.) We are going to work with them a lot so that they can be really prepared to become a member of the church! 

Blanca and Alex are still doing great! They want to get married, and we are working bit by bit with them. We love them so much! They are such a lovely family. Their two kids are hilarious. Oh my goodness we love them!

I love training. Hermana Johnson is incredible! BEING A MISSIONARY IS THE GREATEST CALLING IN THE WORLD. I don't ever want to take off this tag!

Hows the scripture study going? No one ever tells me. Also, everyone go join the "Hero Like Him" event on Facebook and post a POWER PHRASE this week with the hashtags #strengthfroma #herolikeHim

I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. I pray for you every day and I think about you a lot. I love being a missionary! It's the bomb. You don't even know. You don't.

The church is true! Isn't that great??!?

Love, Hermana Thomas

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