Sunday, September 28, 2014

SHEESH! Letter from September 15,2014


This week was really good! 

First of all, I feel like my letters are really lacking in the funny experiences...but the truth is...Mesa isn't really...funny. I mean, I laugh and all, but...weird things don't happen here. Not like Tempe or Phoenix or Cachapoal or La Florida or the MTC. 

Hermana Homer and I just randomly will not be able to focus because everything starts making us laugh. Like...we were in the middle of weekly planning, and we started talking about Fall and how we both want to eat pumpkin flavored things and then it turned into pumpkin carving into evil-staring at my district leader to him turning to us at the wrong moment to just having to get up and take a few laps around the church in order to calm down.

Also, I just want to eat every unhealthy thing on this planet. All day every day 24/7 fo realz. This week we had a stats meeting after district meeting with all the district leaders, the zone leaders and us sister training leaders, but I was just totally spacing it the whole time, laying back in my chair just thinking about nothing, when all the sudden someone said the word "cookie" and I just jolted straight up in my chair and went "COOKIES?!" And all the elders stared at me for a few seconds, and it was just weird, and then everyone started laughing at me and I laughed too but I really wanted COOKIES. OH MY GOSH, COOKIES SOUND INCREDIBLE RIGHT NOW. 

I'm sorry, I always write these letters when I am starving.

Then for like three days after everyone kept saying cookie stuff around me. Also during weekly planning I ate the MOST INCREDIBLE BROWNIE OF MY LIFE. IT WAS ABSOLUTELY UNREAL HOW GOOD THIS BROWNIE WAS. 

I also got into a heated discussion with one of the elders in our ward about whether dying by heat exhaustion or freezing to death would be better. OBVIOUSLY heat exhaustion, but whatever, the point is that I had a big time dejavoo (is that right?) throwin' it back to Helaman Halls with Chloe, fighting about this very same thing, and at the end of the conversation she says "so you REALLY think that it's better to die of heat than to freeze?!" and I said "YES." And she narrows her eyes and, with a somewhat-maniacal look, says, "...we'll see."


Also, we were waiting for an investigator at her house for an appointment one day and we get a call from her asking if we could come fix her car?! We were like...umm...did you call the wrong number? She's like "aren't you the missionaries?" we're like "...yes..." she's like "VENGAN." We're like "...?!?!?!?! We don't know anything about cars?!?" Then her brother went to help her and everything ended up fine. We even ended up having the lesson still. But it was just...a kind of weird request. I mean, I guess we always tell people to call us when they need something...but...

Almost all of our investigators made it to church this week! That was such a blessing. The one that couldn't make it was actually on her DEATHBED practically, super sick, but tried to come anyway! But she just couldn't...poor thing. She is super sick. Hey, it's Georgette! And guess what? SHE'S GETTING BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY!!! We are so darn excited! Georgette is amazing. She's the referral that speaks English. She has the most amazing testimony ever. We went out to eat with her and her husband on Wednesday. He's not super interested, but she wanted us to get to know him because she's hoping that he will change his mind soon. Anyway, we started kind of talking to him at the end about religious things, but Georgette just completely took over and bore the most legit testimony I've ever heard from a non-member...or a member, really. She talked about how it's not something of logic, but it's something that you feel, something that you just know is true because it's familiar to you, and she just told him how much she wants him to have it, too. For like, five minutes. Then she turned to us like, "your turn," and we just looked at each other, and were like "AMEN."

She's amazing. I am so stoked for this weekend!

Then the next weekend we have another baptism planned for a kid named Ivan. We have been working with him and his less-active cousin, Daniel, for a few weeks now. They started out really quiet and not really engaged at all, especially Daniel, but last lesson we had with them, HE PRAYED! Do you know how many weeks we have been trying to get him to pray? One time, he cried because he just couldn't bring himself to pray! But he prayed last time!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE WERE SO EXCITED. IT WAS SO AMAZING. And they were at church with their grandma. :)

Also, we have started preparations for the wedding on October 10th! IT'S GOING TO BE THE BOMB. Then she gets baptized the day after! Super exciting.

OH YEAH! Remember our stubborn mexican grandma? Well. Guess who read 17 chapters of the Book of Mormon this week?!?! She did! SHE LOVES IT. And she flipped her work schedule UPSIDE DOWN to come to church for an hour! And she surprised us by coming at all! IT WAS A MIND BLOW. 

Well, needless to say, this week was amazing. I hope things are sunshine and roses for you too. I love you all so much!

LOVE, Hermana THomas

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